Astronomy and Astrophysics
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WWW Virtual Library. New entries
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Mailing Lists
- ASTRO Astronomy discussion list
- ASTR-O Exchanges information in astronomy (very low traffic)
- CANSPACE Canadian Space Geodesy Forum
- COSMOS, an astronomy list in spanish.
- Earth and Sky It consists of transcripts of radio programs aired daily on the Earth & Sky Radio Series.
- HASTRO-L History of Astronomy Discussion Group
- InfoVista Discussion of the use and development of the Vista astronomical data reduction package which originated at Lick Observatory.
- ISDS Illini Space Development Society list
- ISSS International Student Space Simulations
- JCMT-L James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
- linuxastro Astronomical Software on Linux
- SEDS-L Interchapter Communications for SEDS
- SEDSNEWS News about Space from SEDS
- SPACE Space discussions forum, is a redistribution list of the original ARPA list.
- SPACE Space Tech digest ( newsgroup).
- SPACENWS Announcements of space-related news items.
- SPACEPOL Space Policy digest ( newsgroup).
- SPACESCI Space Science digest ( newsgroup).
- SPACE-IL Israeli Space and Remote Sensing Bulletin
- SPACE-SH Space Shuttle digest ( newsgroup).
- SSIN Student Solar Information Network.
- Variable Star Network Communications
Maintainer: Sergio Paoli
Coordination of the WWW Virtual Library
Last updated August 29, 1996